Our accounting integration enables you to generate a Sales Order in your accounting system from Legrand CRM.
Before you convert a Legrand CRM Quote into a Sales Order, ensure that:
- The Company in Legrand CRM exists as a Customer in your accounting system
- The accounting link between Legrand CRM and your accounting system is active.
- The Company in Legrand CRM has a Primary Contact.
Convert to Sales Order
Go to the Quotes module, right-click on the quote and select ‘Convert to Sales Order’.
If an opportunity links to the quote, you can close the opportunity and create the sales order. Click ‘YES’ to close the opportunity or ‘NO’ to keep the opportunity open.
Enter the outcome reason. If you revised the quote multiple times, select the winning quote from the revision list. For non-winning quote revisions, you can choose to delete the other revisions or keep all quote revisions. Once you select the winning quote, click ‘SAVE AND CONTINUE’.
Enter a Customer Order number and select an optional sales representative. The Customer Order is the number that identifies the order in your accounting system. Once you enter the order number, click ‘Create’ to create the sales order in your accounting system.