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How to create and send a Quote

Accelerate your sales process with Legrand CRM’s Quotes module. When integrated with your accounting system, you can import product items and create quotes in Legrand CRM. The quotes tool provides real-time stock availability and shows the price history of all products. If prices have changed, you can easily update the unit prices. You can also easily edit a quote and keep track of all quote revisions.

Click on the icon located on the right to create a new quote. You can also use print templates or existing quotes as templates to save time on formatting and increase productivity.

Quotes module

The quote automatically links the contact and shipping address details. Use the drop-down to list products and enter a quote summary. Use the icons to add a new line, heading or subtotal. Select an optional print template then click SAVE. Once you save the quote, click SEND to send the quote.

Editing a quote

Creating a quote from a campaign lead

The opportunity to quote typically occurs when a target responds to a campaign. In the campaigns module, you can create quotes and directly send them to contacts from Legrand CRM. Right-click on the lead and select ‘Create Quote’.

Leads list in the Campaigns module

When you create a quote, the campaign and contact information automatically links to the quote. Select the drop-down to list products and enter a quote summary.

Creating a new quote

Click on the icon shown to add a new line, heading or sub-total. The orange icon next to stock availability indicates that the items listed are low in stock. Click ‘Stock Availability’ to check the stock availability of the products listed in the quote.

Select an optional print template and enter a message for the recipient. Record any private notes in the ‘Internal Notes’ section and click SAVE. The recipient will not be able to see your internal comment. Once you save the quote, you can directly send it from Legrand CRM or print it out.

Creating a quote from the quick access list

The quick access feature in the Companies and Contacts module also allows you to create a quote. Select a company or contact record and click on the icon to create a quote.

Updated on 29 August 2022
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