Go to the Lead Inbox module in Legrand CRM and click the settings icon on the right.

Enter the Mail Server, Port, Username, and Password. You can search online if you do not know your email provider’s Mail Server and Port. E.g. ‘Outlook Mail Server and port number’.
The Username is the email address that receives customer service or sales-related questions. The email can be a business email address or an email you may have used if you configured a contact form or chatbox on your website. E.g. Info@company.com.

Legrand CRM generates an Activity Note when you process and record a lead. In the Lead Inbox settings, you can specify the activity note type.
In ‘Record Creation’, click on the icon to edit the activity note types.

Click ‘ADD’ to add an activity note type.

Enter a name for the type and click ‘SAVE’.