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How to Generate a Word Mail Merge

A mail merge is a process that uses data from Legrand CRM to generate tailored documents for your recipients.

Mail Merge Contact List

We recommend creating a contact list to perform a mail merge. You can use a Contact Worklist or Keyword Tags to create a list.

Generate Word Mail Merge

Once you create a contact list, right-click and select Select All or use Ctrl + A on your keyboard.

Right-click the list again and select Word Mail Merge

Click the drop-down to select a printing option.

Click BROWSE and navigate to the template file location.

If you haven’t created Word templates, follow this guide to learn how to create Word Templates.

Optional: Tick the ‘Create Activity Note?‘ checkbox to document the mail merge activity for the selected contacts.

If you are creating an Activity Note, enter a summary and tick Save Document with Activity to save a copy of the document in the note.

Select a contact from the list and click PREVIEW to check that the merge data in the Word document is correct. Repeat this process for all the contacts.

Once you are satisfied with how the merge data looks, select PRINT to print the documents.

NOTE: Legrand CRM can also export contact data to Microsoft Excel, which is ideal for Microsoft’s own mail merge system.

We recommend creating a Contact Work List or using Keyword Tags to export contact data to Excel. Once you have your contact list, right-click to Select All (Ctrl + A), right-click again and select Export List to Excel.

This will generate an Excel spreadsheet that contains all the contact data and field names. Import that Excel file into Microsoft Word using Word’s mail-merge wizard under the section Mailings > Start Mail Merge.

Updated on 9 November 2023
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