• How to get an account update from MYOB AccountRight

    Legrand CRM enables you to retrieve account updates from MYOB AccountRight from within your CRM database. To access this function, navigate to the “Accounting” tab in the Companies module. Click on the icon as shown and select ‘Get account update from MYOB AccountRight’. 

  • How to link a Legrand CRM Company to an existing Customer in MYOB AccountRight

    In some cases, you may have a separate Legrand CRM company record and an MYOB AccountRight record for the same customer. Legrand CRM enables you to link the CRM record to an existing MYOB AccountRight account.  Go to the Companies module and select the company record that has not been linked to…

  • How to import MYOB AccountRight Sales Transactions into Legrand CRM

    Legrand CRM enables you to import all transactions from your MYOB AccountRight accounting system into your CRM database. To import sales transactions go to the administration panel in Legrand CRM. Click on ‘Accounting > Import Sales Transactions’. You can import new or modified sales transactions from a given date or date…

  • How to import Products & Services from MYOB AccountRight into Legrand CRM

    You can import product and service definitions from MYOB AccountRight into Legrand CRM to create quotes and generate sales orders. Import Products & Services Go to the administration settings and select Accounting > Import Products to import product and services definitions from MYOB AccountRight into Legrand CRM. Use the filter to switch…

  • How to import MYOB AccountRight Customers and Suppliers into Legrand CRM

    Prerequisites MYOB Accounting v21 installed on the computer that will run the Legrand CRM Accounting Link. MYOB AccountRight records must have a Cardfile ID. If your MYOB AccountRight records do not have the Cardfile ID, you can export the MYOB AccountRight records into Excel. After you export the record, add…

  • Dashboard Overview

    Keep track and manage your work effectively using Legrand CRM’s Dashboard Module. The Legrand CRM Dashboard displays information related to the logged in user in one single screen. The Dashboard Overview displays Appointments, Tasks and Opportunities assigned to the logged in user. The Dashboard also displays active quotes so that…

  • Reporting Module Overview

    The Reporting module provides a summary report on all the Activities, Tasks, Appointments and Opportunities recorded in Legrand CRM. Click the tabs under each heading to view activities by specific period. For example, under Activities, you can search for activities from This month, Last month, This quarter, Year-to-date, Last 12…

  • How to create a Legrand CRM Campaign

    To create a new LCRM Campaign click on the icon as shown and select ‘Legrand CRM Campaign’. Type in the name of the campaign in the mandatory text field and fill in the following fields. Alternatively, to record a MailChimp or Constant Contact campaign select ‘E-Marketing Campaign from MailChimp or…

  • How to configure Campaign Status Lists

    After you send your campaign, you can track your target’s response and record the status in Legrand CRM. Legrand enables you to configure the status list so that it is relevant to your business needs. To configure the campaign status values, go to the administration panel in Legrand CRM and…

  • How to assign Contacts as Targets for a LCRM Campaign

    After you create a Legrand CRM Campaign, identify the contacts you want to target using the campaign. We recommend to attach a keyword to contact records or use the Contact Worklist to create a campaign mailing list. After you identify the contacts you want to target, right-click on the contact records…