You can import product and service definitions from MYOB AccountRight into Legrand CRM to create quotes and generate sales orders.
Import Products & Services
Go to the administration settings and select Accounting > Import Products to import product and services definitions from MYOB AccountRight into Legrand CRM.

Use the filter to switch between Products and Services. Click on the checkbox to select or deselect items and click ‘NEXT’ to import.

Click ‘NEXT’ to confirm and close once the import is complete.

In addition, you can import product updates in Legrand CRM from your MYOB AccountRight accounting system. Go to the administration panel and click on ‘Accounting > Import Product Updates’.

The ‘Product Updates’ window retrieves the latest product data from the linked accounting system. Use the filters and select the records you want to import into your Legrand CRM database. After you have selected the records to import, simply click ‘NEXT’ to confirm.