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  2. Companies and Contacts
  3. How to record a Contact

How to record a Contact

Go to the Contacts module and click the (+) icon on the right.

Type in the contact’s first name, last name, company position, phone number, email etc. You can also link a company, set the company contact as the primary contact and assign a responsible team member as the contact manager.

Contacts in Legrand CRM are typically associated with a company. Click the icon to link a company.

NOTE: You can leave the company field empty if you want to record a standalone contact.

Enter the company name in the search field and select the company. You can use the filter to search for companies that start with or contain the search entry. Once selected, click ‘OK’ to complete the link.

How to set a primary contact

When you record or edit a contact, click the checkbox to set the contact as a primary contact.

NOTE: When you record a company, you can also record the company’s primary contact in the same form.

Updated on 29 August 2022

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