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  3. How to create a recurring calendar event

How to create a recurring calendar event

Go to the Contacts module to schedule a calendar event with a contact. Select the contact record and click on the (+) icon in the quick access toolbar.

Enter information about the calendar event and select ‘Click to add’ to specify the recurrence.

Specify the appointment time, recurrence pattern and recurrence ending.

  1. Appointment Time: Select a starting date, time and time zone.
  2. Recurrence Pattern: Choose between daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurrence.
  3. Recurrence End: Decide whether to end the recurring event after a certain number of occurrences or end by a specific date.

Click ‘Save’ to apply the change and exit.

Once you set the recurrence and exit, click ‘Save’ again to save the calendar event.

Updated on 30 November 2022
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