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  4. How to specify Data Transfer Rules for MYOB AccountRight Integration

How to specify Data Transfer Rules for MYOB AccountRight Integration

Go to the administration panel and click on Accounting > Edit Transfer Rules to define the transfer rules. You can edit the data mapping and transfer rules for Customers and Sales Orders.

Direction of Updates

Customer Name and Address Updates

Select ‘Send update from Legrand CRM to MYOB AccountRight’ to manage customer names and addresses in Legrand CRM and send updates to MYOB AccountRight.

Alternatively, select ‘Send update from MYOB AccountRight to Legrand CRM’ if you want MYOB AccountRight to receive updates in Legrand CRM from MYOB AccountRight.

Address Mapping

MYOB AccountRight ‘Bill To’ address mapping

You can map MYOB AccountRight’s ‘Bill To’ field to Legrand CRM’s ‘Mailing’ or ‘Street’ Address. Select either option and click ‘SAVE’.

Sales Orders

Click the checkbox to activate the ability to create sales orders in MYOB AccountRight from Legrand CRM. Click ‘SAVE’ and exit.

Updated on 29 August 2022
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