How to link a Legrand CRM Company to an existing Customer in Sybiz If you have a separate Legrand CRM record and Sybiz SQL record for the same customer, you can link the...
How to retrieve a financial summary for a Sybiz Customer in Legrand CRM Accounting Summary Go to the Companies module and select a company. Users with permission should be able to access the ‘Accounting’ tab....
How to convert a Legrand CRM Quote into an Sybiz Sales Order Legrand CRM enables you to convert a LCRM Quote into a Sybiz SQL Sales Order. To convert a LCRM quote,...
How to clear the accounting link between Legrand CRM and Sybiz SQL Accounting Legrand CRM enables you to remove the link between a Legrand CRM account record and a Sybiz SQL account. Simply...